Storm Mountain, Colorado

Welcome to the Storm Mountain Community Website.

The website overview has been moved to the bottom of this column.
I intend this website to have information and links of local interest – if you have an idea for additional content, please email

Storm Mountain Community Information document maintained by John Green, updated on December 14, 2023. Click here for the PDF document


Welcome to the Storm Mountain Community Website.

It is my intent that this website serve all area residents – and other interested people – by hosting:

  1.  area-related information,
  2. a place for topical discussion of issues impacting area property owners and residents (the forum), and
  3. a portal to other community-related web presences.

The menu above allows you to navigate to other sections of this website, as well as to other community websites.  Hover over each menu item above to get a sense of how to navigate the site.

This is very much a work-in-progress.  I know there is a learning curve for every new website – as much for me as the implementer as for you, the user.  I will listen to feedback and do what I can to ease the learning process with additional posts in the Announcements board.

I have created information posting / discussion areas in the forum for Items for Sale, local artisans and service providers, and for each of our community organizations.  Please let me know if you see ways this could be enhanced to serve other areas of interest in our community – email webmaster @

As with the Yahoo group, I believe it is in the community’s best interest to limit contribution to the Discussion  (Forum) section to people who live or own property in the area.  This will require you to register with the Forum before you are allowed to post.  When you click on the “Forum” item under Discussion above, you will see the main Forum page, with options to Login or register near the top.  You do not need to register or be logged in to view forum content.

Before you register, please read the “Forum Usage Basics” post to help smooth the process:

To contribute (post), you will need to register and log-in, and your membership will need to be approved by an administrator.  Please complete the “Local Property” field on the registration page to demonstrate your connection to the Storm Mountain area, for example, your name and local property address.  This information is only used to encourage appropriate,  responsible posting, and will not be seen by forum users.

After approval, you will receive an email with a link to confirm the validity of your email address, which you will need to do before you can login.

John Green